
KPL Russia is born

With the inauguration of KPL Russia, held in Moscow on October 28th, Körber PaperLink consolidates its presence in the Russian federation.

Perini Journal

The KPL companies have been active in Russia for many years and have created a wide customer base in their specific fields.

With the opening of this new representative office, which can count on a fivepeople staff, KPL aims at bringing itself much closer to its customers, enabling its staff to respond more directly to their individual needs and provide customers with a superior all-round service. The new office, which is located in central Moscow, makes Körber PaperLink the only supplier of converting equipment to the paper, tissue, absorbent hygiene, convertine and printing markets that has a dedicated operation serving all Russianspeaking markets. Körber PaperLink’s Russian representative office is directed by Elena Tkatch, who has worked as a representative of the Körber group in Russia for several years.

MORE THAN 100 PEOPLE PARTICIPATED AT THE INAUGURATION; they were welcomed by the President of the Körber AG Board of Directors Dr. Werner Redeker, by the President of KPL and member of the Körber AG Board of Directors Mr. Martin Weickenmeier, and by Mrs. Tkatch. After a welcome speech by Dr. Redeker, who took the chance to underline the importance of Körber’s commitment in Russia, Martin Weickenmeier and Elena Tkatch took the floor.

“The opening of KPL Russia marks a significant step in the development of Körber PaperLink’s activities in this rapidly modernising market”, comments Martin Weickenmeier. “In an improving general economic backdrop, Russian businesses are starting to generate the revenues needed to fund their own capital investment programs. The climate in Russia is favourable for us to make a clear statement of Körber PaperLink’s long-term commitment to the Russian market. KPL Russia will offer a comprehensive portaolio of converting solutions, which meet the needs of a range of customers including large-scale paper and tissue-making operations, as well as the absorbent hygiene industry and specialist converters”.

ELENA TKATCH CONCLUDES, “CLOSER PROXIMITY TO THE MARKET WILL ALLOW THE TEAM HERE AT KPL RUSSIA TO DELIVER REGULAR CLIENT FEEDBACK TO KÖRBER PAPERLINK’S PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT TEAMS. This will be invaluable in ensuring that we continue to roll out market-leading solutions to the particular production issues faced by Russian manufacturing and converting operations.”

Important Russian and CIS customers took part at the inauguration too: thanks to their long-established collaboration with KPL companies, they reported their experience in their specific market fields.•

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