Before buying a car, all of us take time to consider several factors. Firstly, we make technical assessments regarding the vehicle's performances, its consumption, the quality/price ratio. Then, of course, we immediately check for the nearest assistance center because we want our car to last in time
Perini Journal
For converting systems, too, technology has priority, but technology without an assistance network loses its essence.Care for the customer, assistance, training services, specialized technicians constitute the added value the Fabio Perini companies can offer in one single structure: Customer Service.
Today, it's not only technology that makes the difference. Evolution in the converting and packaging machine industry has caused a shift in converters' inte-rest from the machinery asset - i.e., investment in production capacity capable of satisfying converters' needs - to the attention towards instruments that facilitate optimal maintenance aimed at ensuring high levels of efficiency in time. Volatile and increasingly complicated markets (the result of several different factors such as cost of raw materials, changes in consumption habits, etc.) together with more intense production cycles, require a quick and effective ability to adapt. An old saying recites "time is money" and each production minute lost may be the cause of loss of market shares. But this problem can be avoided by placing our trust in structured suppliers who - thanks to a consolidated network of experience and resources - are able to supply prompt, continuative assistance service during the entire production life cycle of the machine.
The goal of the Fabio Perini companies - present for over 40 all over the world - is to collaborate with their commercial partners to supply them with the necessary support in order to continue growing. Their Mission has always been to "offer innovation that allows customers to improve every aspect of their business and the quality of everyday life", making them part of their very structure. Because being part of a family means much more than just buyinga machine: it means supplying mutual support to grow together, strengthening one's leadership in a healthy way, overcoming difficulties together.
With this strong motivation and awareness, these companies - with the Fabio Perini and Casmatic brands - care for their partners through a worldwide presence that translates into a structured and organized network covering the different areas of post-sales assistance with prompt, efficient service.
The Customer Service network is divided into five areas. Service Parts, dedicated to parts replacement, contains four service parts warehouses located in Italy, China, Brazil and the United States. A physical presence that exists side by side with the Spares On-Line network service. The second sphere of support for customers is the T.I.P. area, the technological improvement program aimed at supplying constant updating on the technologies available that aid in maintaining production systems.
The third area of competence of the Customer Service department is the B.E.S.T. Product service (Branding, Embossing, Sample, Trial), a unique activity in the field of converting for the study and design of new products (rolls), fruit of the consolidated experience that Fabio Perini has acquired in the course of the years. Two pilot lines and a consultancy service are available for converters so that they can turn ideas into roll decorations quickly and in the utmost privacy, once their feasibility has been ascertained. The fourth area that caters to customers is the Technical Service department that counts over 100 specialized professional techniciansoffering prompt assistance in case of machine failures. The Training service closes the loop. For Fabio Perini S.p.A, training is synonymous of quality and experience; this is why fifteen years ago, the idea of a pool of professional Trainers was born to cater to machines present at production companies.
Prepared, well trained technicians are a great human resource for companies and can increment the systems' production efficiency. Five important areas that completely and synergisti-cally satisfy the needs that may arise in production and allow being near converters, making them part of a large family. Let's look at the B.E.S.T Product area, a consultancy service that supports converters in the study of new engravings through the use of different instruments. Well aware of the fact that innovation is essential to remaining in the market and strong of a long-standing experience in the field, Fabio Perini S.p.A. has created a "space for ideas": an environment dedicated to two extremely versatile pilot lines that, in a very short time, can produce experimental samples to conduct panel tests with. The passage from small productions to large scale ones can sometimes bring with it bad surprises that can limit production. The use of very effective analysis software allows identifying vibrations and roll consumption right from the design phase, making it easier to eliminate these eventual problems before they arise.
Proposing an efficient and practical service is one of the main objectives of this area that has recently prepared a new interactive catalogue containing over 600 different patterns for a creative support in the development of new engravings. Thanks to this instrument, it will be possible to make a new product reducing time-to-market to a minimum.
The Customer Service area of the Fabio Perini companies offers complete coverage with simple and innovative solutions, a globalservice from Italy to the USA, from China to Brazil, passing through Central America, Korea and Japan. From the start of the project up to machine installation to maintenance, you - our customers - are never alone.