
Tempo®: the modern handkerchief and the brand with a solid marketing

50 years on the crest of the wave is not something every product can boast of. A case history in maintenance worthy of a manual.

Silvia Barbieri - Future Brand

Tempo® is and remains the handkerchief, demonstrating its specialist vocation. At the same time, the brand shows that it knows how to innovate - really innovate. Innovations aimed at the consumer that yield relevant benefits. Indeed, the product range features a rich offer, dedicated to specific needs or specific consumption targets. A creative innovation activity, capable of renewing a category that may look like a commodity, without however, losing sight of its role in people's lives and thus avoiding the two-fold trap of static on the one hand and hypertrophy on the other.

For over 50 years now, Tempo® has been the modern handkerchief, the one that has exceeded the old cloth kerchief. A brand present in the daily lives of many people - of everyone. A brand - today part of the SCA group, commercialized in Italy by Fater - that has always made solid marketing in its substance because it is attentive to consumers' real needs, and in this way it has succeeded in building a long-lasting leadership for itself.


Tempo®'s business approach, comprised of solidarity and attention, becomes concrete in that soft strength that is the main benefit of the product, the one that has made its success, turning it into a credible and functional substitute to the cloth handkerchief, and an approach that still today represents the conditio sine qua non of its competitive strength. Four plies of the best cellulose processed by innovative technologies that are the essence, the sturdy core of the soft handkerchief: the starting point for an interesting and intelligent articulation of the product range.


Of course, we start off with the classical version: the 4-ply, present in several different formats, to then move on the kids' line, refined with cute animal decorations. Then on to cosmetic tissues, the box format for household use, and to the most innovative handkerchiefs, such as aromatheraTM, enriched with essential oils for a feeling of relaxation and wellness; the handkerchief containing aloe, an emollient for sensitive skin, up to the brand new Complete Care, the revolutionary kerchief that also has a balsamic and decongesting effect for colds.


Strong in its delicate resistance, strong in importance, in innovation, strong in its identifying marks and in communication, Tempo® is a beautiful example of how a product can be a champion even in categories that seem more "banal".

Tempo® is a precious example of balance and harmony because it shows that it can stay focused on the values that really count: on the consumer and his or her needs above all else. And it is indeed to the consumer that it dedicates its attention and its commitment toward the constant improvement of its products' performances. Tempo® certainly possesses the value of quality, an even more tangible quality because it, too, is rooted in the needs of those who actually use this quality.

Tempo® is a pragmatic handkerchief that never loses sight of its role and that tries to accomplish this task to the best of its abilities, designing products having a perceivable added value, always. Tempo® is an enlightening example of real innovation or, if we want, of pioneering pragmatism.

The logo has a very strong personality of its own, as well as notoriety: white on a blue background, in its clarity, it succeeds in attaining personality thanks to the line that crosses the letter "t" which is then repeated to underline the entire word. An identity with great visibility, well played in its cleanliness and order in the different products, where the color blue is protagonist and the segmentation of the offer is delegated to secondary chromatic signs that are undoubtedly effective. Small detail: only in product descriptors, a full coherence in "signs" is missing.


Publicity to support the core product or to support new product launches, like the recent Complete Care, to nurture the essence of the brand and its innovative force in synergic fashion. A right choice, rewarded also by a communication style capable of relating the concrete benefit of its products in an engrossing and accessible way. A correlation to the publicity activity is their presence on the web, with their website and in the major communities, that also becomes a vehicle for promotional incentives. Laudable activity in schools, where Tempo® collaborates to educate the younger generations on issues pertaining to nature, the climate and to vegetation.

Tempo® also for toilet paper!

Not only handkerchiefs for the Tempo® brand! As of September 2010, we can also find their new toilet paper on supermarket shelves - a paper that unites the two strongholds of the brand: quality and attention for the customer.Tempo®, today an established brand for its expertise in the realm of paper handkerchiefs, sets out on this new adventure by focusing on a modern and innovative product capable of answering the needs of many consumers. The concept at the basis of their new product is Morbistenza®, a formula that unites "morbidezza" (the Italian word for softness) and "resistenza" (resistance) - the two main features of this product obtained thanks to the merger of special woofs and materials that make the roll soft and resistant.

Morbistenza® is a concept patented and registered by Tempo® that denotes the fusion of these two contrasting elements. Softness conjures up the idea of supple, fluffy, smooth and velvety while resistance brings to mind the capability of not yielding to use, hence a concept of strength and ability to withstand solicitations.

The new toilet paper fuses these two characteristics in a sole product, calling on the identity of a strong and renowned brand. Tempo® toilet paper will be available on shelves in a complete and structured range to cover several market segments. Besides the "Classic" type, there is also one for sensitive skin, "Pelli Sensibili", which - thanks to a balsam based on Aloe Vera - is softer and lightly scented, perfect for delicate skin. To complete the offer is also a moistened version for use away from home. The new product once again underscores the wide-ranging experience and strength of the Tempo® brand in tissue products.

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