

We are trying to hang on - and not without difficulty - to a healthy way of producing by reconsidering over and over again what is useful and what isn't, and we look with eager interest at all the possibilities to use innovative instruments and methods that can come to our aid at the proper time.

And while we are embarking on a phase where our way of working can be simplified and improved by artificial intelligence, we often find ourselves hostages of relational structures that make us stumble over ancient logics.


Trade shows are an important instrument in a company's way of working. They constitute a time for verification, proposal and meeting with the market. Those who participate - investing time and money - would rightly expect that the organizers of such events do not just limit themselves to supplying a physical space, hoping for something to happen! The organizers know (or say they know) the actors working in the environment and should favor their attendance and their meeting together.


If every company were to focus only on its own consolidated relations, what would be the utility of participating at a trade show?


Organizers, exhibitors and visitors must have a clear idea of the objectives that they want to attain, and each actor must interpret his or her own role, turning the show into a perfect element of the marketing mix.


In the era of transformation of media systems, the different ways that working languages and methods are used are changing at increasingly fast speed. Trade shows must keep pace with these changes if they want to survive.


Communication is surpassing its function of simply transmitting information and, by interpreting the ties and relations that go well beyond their original meaning, introduces new production scenarios that we must learn to seize.Trade shows, where people and ideas meet and confront themselves, could surely escape their classical routine, redesign their role in creative fashion and become one of the places most propitious for the development of these new frontiers.


Walter Tamarri

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