
Cottonelle® Clean Care: worthy of respect!

There's a place where respect for the roll is a style of life. It's Where The Sun Don't Shine, Cottonelle®'s virtual city uniquely characterized by its perpetual state of dusk and by a bubbly creativity!

Perini Journal

"Where The Sun Don't Shine was established in 1996 when modern-day settlers happened upon the area and, fascinated by its lack of sun, decided to colonize it. The town grew quickly, in terms of both numbers and popularity, and today counts almost 62,000 people." This surreal place is nestled between Moon Lake and Shadow River. It is home to many species of night animals and has become the hub for a series of ideas and innovations for all things linked to the "world of the bathroom", among which the introduction of automatic toilet paper vending machines, which are available in more than 75 locations throughout the city, and the very particular roll covers to care for spare rolls... In-line with the basic concept of "respect the roll".


This very particular type 2.0 promotional initiative called Cottonelle Respect the Roll, comes to life through the town's newspaper, Where The Sun Don't Shine Tribune, that communicates through Cottonelle®'s web page and social networks, telling the life and "respectful" choices of its citizens! The Facebook page counts over 133,000 fans that daily animate curious debates, proposing several different initiatives oriented toward respecting the roll of toilet paper. The numerous posts demonstrate how the audience has indeed perceived the message: this brand's product is worthy of respect and people totally reciprocate their love for it. Target achieved!


The way this Tribune, digital newspaper that tells about a "virtual city", communicates is so structured and well-made that anyone reading the news and visiting the website can actually imagine this ideal place where consumers have full respect for the roll of toilet paper. In these pages the community tells about itself, its adventures linked to toilet paper, it gets updated on what's new, can actively participate at events and purchase the same exclu-sive roll covers used by the inhabitants of this magical place!

In 2010 the town began a local campaign to Respect the Roll, with the introduction of modernized roll covers. The program featured six designs, three from a celebrity designer that provided people with a way to care for their spare rolls of Cottonelle Clean Care® Toilet Paper. A press campaign and TV commercials with explicative titles are just some of the support media to the concept of the roll worthy of respect: Roll Worthy and Naked Toilet Paper tell about normal moments of daily life in the homes of the families of Where The Sun Don't Shine: examples to follow!


Last December, three new roll covers were introduced: innovative and elegant, born from the meeting between Jonathan Adler, famous American designer, and Cottonelle®, they immediately captured the public's attention."Jonathan Adler" is a brand of decorative objects for the home, furniture, bedding, candles, lighting and more. An internationally renowned name famous for its modern and brightly colored prints that have found expression also on the roll covers. Mr. Adler said he was enthusiastic about the request by Cottonelle® to produce this spring collection of roll covers, born to offer people a stylish object to keep a spare toilet roll in a "safe and protected place" - a veritable design object made just for the bathroom.

"When it comes to good design, I believe functionality is key", explained Adler.

"These roll covers are a great solution for keeping that extra roll of Cottonelle Clean Care® handy and makes it easy to respect the roll that respects you".

The campaign launched in January continues to ask people to "respect the roll that respects you" and invites everyone to use these objects available for sale exclusively on the Cottonelle® website. The "Respect the roll" community appreciated the initiative: buy and tell about your daily experiences, sharing them with others and contributing to enhancing the myth of Where The Sun Don't Shine.


We often ask ourselves what could be considered innovative in the world of tissue. This is doubtlessly an idea: widening one's competencies, developing alternative and transversal businesses, exploiting new technologies and working with creativity and imagination to promote an object that has few possibilities of transforming itself and that has for centuries been an object of daily use for a good portion of the world's population. A 2.0 project, a series of engrossing initiatives and a practical object with a simple shape that "dresses" the roll with style and elegance, not only byelecting it absolute protagonist of the bathroom environ-ment, but protecting it, respecting it and valorizing it.

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