The increase of the main players of the field is the driving force behind this business. So the positive trend is continuing. Press and television enlarge their shares.
Source: I supplementi di MARK UP
Hygiene products are in good health. The positive performance of 2003 (+11%) confirms the trend of the previous years. All the branches of the field are growing: sanitary napkins (+13%), toilet paper (+3%), adult diapers and accessories (+30%). In the course of the last 12 months, toilet paper and sanitary napkins each accounted for 42% of the total investments amount.
THE THRESHOLD TO ENTER THE TOP 10 INVESTORS IS RISING: now it is necessary to spend more than one million Euro, while the previous year 400.000 Euro were enough. The first two players account for 56% of the total investments. Fater (+12%) confirms its leading position, speeds up and records the best growth in investments in terms of absolute value. And this thanks to the efforts spent on Lines Seta Ultra, Lines Velo and Tampax. Soffass follows with stable investments: a slight restraint for Regina toilet paper and an increase in communication for paper napkins. Kimberly-Clark decreases its investment in Scottex toilet paper by 9%, while SCA Hygiene increases investments by 39%, above all on Nuvenia Libresse Ultra Ali. Very good results from Tronchetti (+31%), which relies on Foxy toilet paper and reduces investments on paper napkins.
Procter & Gamble focuses on Tempo handkerchiefs; Molnlycke (+30%) has shifted its attention from Tena Lady Odour Control to the line campaign for Tena Lady and Tena Pants Discreet. Cartiera Lucchese, after the successful growth of the year 2002, concentrates 35% of its total investments on Eco Lucart toilet paper and opens a contest whose protagonist is a little animated tree, mascot of the product. Quidnovi invests about 1.7 million Euros on Fresh & Clean Swippies; Johnson & Johnson reduces communications by 26%, imposing silence to Carefree Black and the brand Ob.
PROJECT ANALYSES UNDERLINE THE GROWING INVESTMENTS DEDICATED TO TELEVISION, a means certainly not ignored by any player in the market. Television is the sole communication device for Cartiera Lucchese, Johnson & Johnson, Kimberly-Clark.
The leading company Fater does not change the percentage dedicated to television (91%) including music channels. Its rival Soffass increments its television appearances, avoiding radio and reducing efforts on cinema. SCA Hygiene eludes communications through press and television; Tronchetti combines cinema and television.
Procter & Gamble, Molnlycke and Quidnovi make similar choices as far as television (96%) and different ones as far as the other means: radio, magazines and billposting.
Pressure (198 Grp) is lower with respect to the average of the markets analysed, although campaigns last longer (16 weeks). Tronchetti and Kimberly-Clark are in line with the market average; Fater and Soffass are above the average, with a strong pressure and extended duration.•