
In the world of tissue, safety wins

For the second consecutive year, the Giuseppe Lazzareschi Foundation, promoter of Obiettivo Zero – Progetto Sicurezza (Objective Zero – Project Safety), has rewarded those paper industry companies that have attained the best results in the prevention of job-related accidents, increasing safety on the job in the paper mill.

Perini Journal

The initiative, started in 2004 only with companies involved in tissue, in 2005 was enlarged to also include corrugated board companies. For the fist time this year, thanks to the close collaboration with Assocarta (the Italian trade association for the paper industry representing pulp, paper and board), all Italian companies involved in the paper field will be competing for the award.

In the crowded main hall of the Foundation, the comparison of the results that have emerged from the analysis of the data supplied both by the companies themselves as well as by public control agencies, is certainly encouraging. In 2005, there was a decrease of 4.23% in the number of job-related accidents, and a corresponding increase of 2.45% in the total number of hours worked. Therefore last year, for those companies members of Obiettivo Zero, the percentage of days not worked due to job-related accidents on the total “equivalent days worked” reaches a promising percentage figure of 1.08%.

TO CONFIRM THE VALUE OF PREVENTION AND THE IMPORTANCE OF IMPROVEMENT IN THE WORKPLACE was the presence, among those rewarded, of four companies which, for the second consecutive year, have registered zero accidents on the job and have thus been newly bestowed with the Obiettivo Zero award. To underscore the importance of the continuity of this result, the Foundation has decided to create the “golden trophy” which was conferred to the following paper mills and paper manufacturing facilities: Carind, Industria Trasformazione Carta, Cartiera della Madonnina and Futura Line.

It is also thanks to this initiative, born in Lucca, that the comparison and the constant collaboration among entrepreneurs and institutions on topics relative to safety have been consolidated. This has enhanced that working platform from which, today, new initiatives emerge, focussing on the entire national territory and aimed at diffusing within the factory and throughout the territory this new culture of “living the working environment in safety”.

AIMING FOR FURTHER GROWTH IN A NEW SENSITIVITY WITHIN THE COMPANIES AND AMONG ITS WORKERS, this year the Foundation and its Director, Angelo del Carlo, have launched a new competition, whose focus is the employees of all the companies members of Obiettivo Zero. It is the realization of a publicity advert whose topic is aimed at making the workers more sensitive to the theme of safety on the job. A veritable advertisement campaign, ideated and realized by creative imaginations which are certainly very involved and competent with respect to the advertisement’s contents!

An important philosophy, the one sustained by the Fondazione Lazzareschi. Here, safety and prevention are always the focus and the drive of every initiative. And this, thanks to the strong and consolidated awareness that this theme can be faced in many ways and in many perspectives. The important thing is that – no matter how or through which means – people speak about this issue and will continue to speak about its importance. •

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