Here is the first issue of PJL’s TidBits, a new editorial initiative by PERINI JOURNAL, born with the scope of supplying “bits” of news & curiosities on and around the fascinating world of paper.
PJL’s TidBits is an electronic publication, issued every two weeks, that you can sign up to receive absolutely free of charge directly on your computer, or read from the website, in the dedicated section.
PJL’s TidBits constitutes a special, innovative way to communicate editorially and with its on-line possibility, exploits the positive potential of “word-of-net”to diffuse the news.
So I hope you enjoy these first few issues we’re sending you, and then you can decide if you want to continue receiving PJL’s TidBits and – why not? – to forward them to as many people as you like!
Greetings and enjoy the reading.
Walter Tamarri