
TidBits 098: Sustainable urban construction - Stefano Boeri’s vertical forests

The project by the Milanese architect changes Milan’s skyline.

Bosco Verticale© (Vertical Forest) is a project for metropolitan reforestation that contributes to the regeneration of the environment and urban biodiversity. But the innovative part about this project is that it does not imply expanding the city, but everything will be developed vertically! That’s right: we will see trees at a height of 100 meters.

The first example of a Bosco Verticale, comprised of two residential towers 110 and 76 meters in height, will be created in the center of Milan. It will host 900 trees, shrubs and flowering plants. On flat land, each Bosco Verticale is equal to 10,000 m2 of forest. Plant irrigation will be produced by reusing gray waters. The two buildings will also be equipped with Aeolian and photovoltaic energy systems.

But what will the advantages for the inhabitants be? The trees and plants will absorb CO2 and dust particles and produce oxygen, which will help the neighborhood breathe better. Noise pollution will also be substantially reduced. The two towers have received great attention above all from the international press that defined them as “the most exciting new towers of the world”.

Like all alternative projects, there are supporters and there are those who are not in favor of it. But as an example of urban construction oriented towards eco-sustainability, it is certainly worthy of note.

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