
TidBits 078: Wash and Dry: Paper means Hygiene!

Here we are with the second edition of the Contest organized by ETS (European Tissue Symposium) in collaboration with the Fine Arts Academy of Bologna, held in the month of May.

Great synergy between ETS and the Academy, helping youngsters diffuse knowledge of the world of tissue and at the same time rewarding their creativity and facilitating their approach to the professional world. Images tell and describe a message: while some years ago it was easy to ascribe them to specific languages, today they are defined in heterogeneous ways using mixed media. But paper continues to be the main, most appropriate and most hygienic method to dry one’s hands and it is the protagonist of the works of this contest. Different languages are used: illustrations, cartoons, videos... creative works where the limits in the use of instruments are not well defined. The result is a series of “contaminated”, viral creations where synthesis, storytelling, irony, counter-positioning and allusion artistically intersect to constitute the concept’s powerful and persuasive means of transmission: “Wash and Dry, Paper means Hygiene”. A clear and focused message that serves as the foundations for a narrative and ironic discourse that follows the spirit conferred to the work by its author.


Thanks to its international organization, this edition saw the intersection of different cultures as well. Communication docet: so, visual languages become an optimal instrument to satisfy the need for speed and cross-over imposed by progress. And the winners are. 

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